2-3 Years Milestones
Gross Motor Milestones
- Climbs well
- Runs and jumps well
- Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet
- Kicks ball forward
- Throws ball overhand
- Can balance on one foot for one to two seconds
- Pedals tricycle or Big Wheel
- Bends over easily without falling
Fine Motor
- Turns pages of a book one at a time
- Holds pencil in writing position
- Screws and unscrews jar lids
- Turns rotating handles
- Sorts objects by shape and color
- Completes 3–4 piece puzzles
- Makes mechanical toys work
- Cuts with scissors
- Imitates horizontal stroke (24–29 months)
- Copies circle (30–35 months)
- Traces a cross
- Builds tower of 9 blocks
- Traces square
- Catches large ball
- Uses a hammer
- Moves individual fingers
- Preferential use of one hand
Language/Oral Motor
- Follows a 2–3 part command (get the doll and bring it to me)
- Ask questions/uses pronouns (me, you) and some plurals
- Recognizes and identifies many common objects and pictures
- Matches an object in hand or room to picture in book
- Knows major body parts, can say name, age, and sex (boy or girl)
- Uses 4–5 word sentences
- Appropriate jaw grading for bite
- Total disassociation of head movement for bite
- Smooth transfer of food from side to side
- Gradual refinement of tongue movements
- Tongue-lip elevation for swallowing/internal jaw stabilization
Personal and Social
- Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people
- Understands concept of two
- Can wash and dry hands
- Imitates adults and peers
- Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates
- Can take turns in games
- Understands concept of “mine”, “his” or “hers”
Other Characteristics
- Expresses affection openly, objects to major changes in routine
- Possibly puts on some clothes that are easy to get on
- Expresses wide range of emotions - Separates easily from parents by age 3