4-7 Months Milestones
Gross and Fine Motor
- Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy
- Sits with, and then without support of hands
- Props self up on arms when on stomach
- Can support whole body weight on legs
- Reaches for objects with hands
- Head in midline, turns from side to side
- Fully extended hips and trunk while on tummy
- Rakes at small objects (reaches for objects with fingers bent)
- Ulnar palmar grasp
- Hand-mouth coordination
- Bilateral reach grasp
- Grasp and thumb in partial opposition
- Visual attention to scribbling
- Transfers objects from hand to hand (5–6 months)
- Wrist rotation (5–6 months)
- Radial palmar grasp (5–6 months)
- Beginning pincer (5–6 months)
- Reaching across midline
Language/Oral Motor
- Turns to sounds and voices
- Responds to own name
- Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice
- Begins to respond to “no”
- Responds to sounds by making sounds and may imitate sounds
- Uses voice to express joy and displeasure
- Babbles chains and consonants
- Suckles in anticipation
- Munch chew pattern (5–6 months)
- Tongue and jaw move as one unit
- Poor coordination of suck, swallow, and breathing
- Rooting decreases by 5 months
- Phasic bite reflex decreases by 5 months
- Gag reflex
Personal and Social
- Finds partially hidden objects
- Explores things with hands and by putting items in mouth
- Works to get objects that are out of reach
- Enjoys social play
- Notices small things, such as pieces of cereal in front of them
- Responds to other people’s expressions of emotion
- Squeals and make other high-pitched sounds when happy
- Smiles when looking at self in mirror
- Shows frustration when trying new skills such as turning over
- Explores environment, reaches for objects (3–5 months)
- Has improved distance vision
- Has improved ability to track moving objects