

  1. Behavior – why won’t my child listen?

    November 4, 2014

    Why won’t my child listen?  I am probably asked this question several times a week.  Sometimes I ask myself this question about my own daughter.  It’s a loaded question.  To understand why your child is not listening, you first have to understand what behavior is and why/how it occurs.First and foremost, behavior is a form […]

  2. Dyspraxia – more than just motor.

    October 16, 2014

    Did you know every month there are days, weeks, sometimes even a whole month to raise awareness about certain diseases, disorders, and noteworthy causes that promote safety?  Well, on October 10th it is National Depression Screening Day, National Bipolar Awareness Day, and World Mental Health Day.  The whole month of October is geared to raise […]

  3. Child Development: When in doubt, check it out!

    September 19, 2014

    I wrote this blog some time ago.  I’ve decided to re-post this blog for a variety of reasons.  One of those reasons is that over the past several weeks we have had a surge of parents/grandparents walking in off the street revealing concerns they have for their child.  I’ll be honest, a few of these […]

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