

  1. Getting the most out of your child’s therapy session.

    March 10, 2015

    Identifying that your child needs support is a huge step.  Often times parents are overwhelmed.  No one wants to admit that their child needs help.  However, this is an important first step, and is crucial to getting your child where you want them to be and where they need to be.  Once you get past […]

  2. Vision

    March 2, 2015

    Have you ever had your eyes dilated?  Were you exhausted after trying to focus?  Imagine if you had to work that hard every day to see.  Vision is one of the most overlooked areas of development.  Being able to see (eyesight) is different than vision.  Eyesight is something we are born with.  Eyesight allows us […]

  3. Low Tone

    February 23, 2015

    Hypotonia is a state of low muscle tone (the amount of tension or resistance to movement in a muscle), often involving reduced muscle strength.   Muscle tone refers to the muscles’ ability to sustain a contraction. Muscle strength refers to the muscles’ power.  Low muscle tone cannot be changed, but improving strength can compensate for […]

  4. Crawling

    February 16, 2015

    Crawling. Is it necessary?  I guess that depends on who you ask.  A few years ago, the American Medical Association was considering eliminating crawling as a developmental milestone.  Not sure whose idea that was, but it wasn’t a good one.  Every developmental milestone is important for the next milestone to develop.  They are the foundation […]

  5. Measles – should you worry?

    February 6, 2015

    With all the hoopla surrounding the recent outbreak, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the Measles.  I have had several parents contact me, worried about their child contracting this disease.  Many of our clients believe that their child had an adverse reaction to vaccines and decided to discontinue the recommended […]

  6. Picky Eating

    February 2, 2015

    If you have ever had a picky eater you know how frustrating it can be!  For most of us, mealtimes are a time to share, relax, socialize, and enjoy each other.  When you have a child that is a picky eater, mealtime is a nightmare!  You literally will dance on your head, bribe, cajole, barter, […]

  7. Ball Skills

    So you think you have the next Major League Baseball player?  Maybe you do!  About 6 years a go I was working with this family, some weeks the mom would come in and other weeks the dad would come in.  These parents were really involved.  They asked a lot of great questions and were always […]

  8. Outside the Box

    Does your child…..   Have difficulty falling or staying asleep? Have attention and/or focus issues? Resist new foods and/or have a limited diet? Experience frequent colds, congestion, or respiratory infections? Seem overly anxious? Worry excessively?   You’re not alone! Join us on February 28th as we discover some of the underlying reasons as to why […]

  9. Speech therapy and motor therapy, what’s the connection?

    January 21, 2015

    One of the main reasons parents come through our door is that they want their kids to talk. This is certainly a valid concern, as it is important for children to express their wants and needs.  Talking is not necessarily functional speech.  Functional speech is the ability to independently communicate meaningful information back and forth […]

  10. How long should my child sit?

    January 14, 2015

    “How long should my child sit?”  is a question that is often asked by parents.  Definitely a valid question.  Unfortunately, there aren’t any clear cut expectations as to how long a child should sit.  Development occurs along a continuum.  Children are curious and need opportunities to explore and learn through trial and error.  I am […]

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