

  1. Why wait?

    April 21, 2017

    Why wait? Trust your mommy gut! I have been an occupational therapist for 14 years. Before I had children I always wondered why parents waited to start therapy with their children. As a therapist, I cannot tell you how many times a parent has said to me- “I wish we hadn’t waited to start therapy”, […]

  2. Getting the most out of your child’s therapy session.

    March 10, 2015

    Identifying that your child needs support is a huge step.  Often times parents are overwhelmed.  No one wants to admit that their child needs help.  However, this is an important first step, and is crucial to getting your child where you want them to be and where they need to be.  Once you get past […]

  3. Group Therapy – How we do it right!

    September 11, 2014

    For several years we moved away from group therapy in an effort to focus on our individual therapy.  This past summer we reinstated our groups, as our local school districts cut back on their offerings of extended school year (summer school).  Our concern was that our current kiddos would miss the consistency and routine that […]

185 S. Marley Rd. New Lenox, IL 60451