Therapy / Treatments
Allergies / Intolerances / Sensitivities
More and more research is coming out regarding allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. We added this section to educate our website visitors on the differences between the three...
Apraxia / Dyspraxia
Apraxia is a term often used to describe difficulty with motor planning in order to achieve a predetermined idea or purpose. Other terms associated with apraxia include developmental coordination disorder...
Auditory Processing
Auditory processing, also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), affects approximately 5% of school-age children. Children with CAPD don’t process information they hear the same way as...
Autism spectrum disorders vary in symptoms and severity, but all affect a child’s ability to communicate and interact with others. The number of children diagnosed with autism is rising, with the latest...
Eating / Feeding
DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR CHILD IS A PICKY EATER? As adults, many of us love to eat. There are many children who love to eat and explore different foods. However, there are many children out...
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skill delays can occur for a variety of reasons, but is not always related to a specific diagnosis. Children with fine motor delays often have difficulty with fasteners (buttons, snaps, zippers...
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skill delays can occur in children without an identified disability. As development occurs from proximal (middle of the body) to distal (extremities) it is imperative for children to develo...
Play is an important part of a child’s development. Play is spontaneous and fun! Play helps children develop: Motor skills — fine and gross motor, Language and socialization skills, Understanding...
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory integration is a normal, neurological process which begins in utero and continues throughout life. It is the process by which our brains take in sensory information received from the body and our...
Social Skills
Social skills are the personal skills needed for successful social communication and interaction. Social skills include: starting/ maintaining/ending conversations appropriately, eye contact, body language...
Speech & Language
There are several types of speech-language disorders that a child may have. Following is a list of the mostly commonly addressed speech-language disorders in children. Speech sound disorders occur when a...