picky eater versus problem feeder?
At Helping Hands we take a multi-disciplinary approach to feeding therapy. Our speech and occupational therapists are trained in the SOS feeding approach. Both disciplines will screen and/or assess your child to determine what treatment approach is best for your child.
As adults, many of us love to eat. There are many children who love to eat and explore different foods. However, there are many children out there whom parents may consider to be “picky eaters.” According to statistics, 25-35% of typically developing children, and 40-70% of children with chronic medical conditions or those born prematurely have feeding and/or swallowing disorders.
There definitely are children who prefer to eat certain foods over others and may appear to be “picky”. However, there are other children who will only eat certain foods, and these children may be considered “problem feeders.” According to Dr. Kay Toomey, who developed the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to feeding, one aspect of a “problem feeder” is a child who has 20 or less foods in their repertoire.
What are the signs/symptoms of feeding and/or swallowing disorders in children?
- History of reflux
- History of constipation
- Failure to thrive, poor weight gain, or weight loss
- Arching or stiffening of the body during feeding
- Recurrent pneumonia
- Difficulty coordinating breathing with eating and drinking
- Difficulty or inability to transition to baby foods
- Difficulty transitioning to table foods by 1 year of age
- Extreme food selectivity
- Difficulty tolerating foods of certain texture, color, and/or temperature
- Diet that consists of less than 20 foods
There may be several reasons as to why your child may have difficulty with a variety of food items. Eating is the one activity that children participate in that requires each of their organ systems and each of their sensory systems to work together. If there is a break down in one of these areas, eating can become challenging. In addition to possible medical reasons impacting feeding (constipation and reflux are just two examples), examples of other “break downs” that may occur may include some of the following: sensory deficits (including tactile, visual), high/low muscle tone, core weakness/postural instability, distractibility, and deficits in oral motor skills. Your child may also exhibit food sensitivities, intolerances, or allergies to foods which affect their feeding and ability to try new foods.
What can be done?
At Helping Hands we use a comprehensive approach to feeding therapy with consultation by both occupational therapy and speech therapy. During the consultation, the therapists will assess your child's oral motor skills, sucking/chewing skills, postural control, ability to look at, touch, and taste different textures, while presenting foods in a non-threatening manner. They will then determine whether one or both therapies would best support the needs of your child and to help them achieve their feeding goals.